Antonio Penta
Research Professor | ICREA (ICREA webapge)
Professor of Economics | UPF and BSE (BSE webpage)
Associate Faculty | TSE and TSE Digital Center (TSE webpage)
Joint Managing Editor | Review of Economic Studies
Member of the Editorial Board | American Economic Review and Review of Economic Studies
Associate Editor | Journal of Economic Theory, Theoretical Economics and Decisions in Economics and Finance
Research interests
I am an economic theorist, with research interests in various areas of game theory, mechanism design, auctions and behavioral economics. In game theory and mechanism design, most of my research has focused on questions of robustness with respect to various forms of model misspecification. I have also worked on more applied IO topics, concerning the market for online advertisement and online ad auctions, from both a theoretical and empirical perspective. Within behavioral economics, my work has been both theoretical and experimental. So far the main focus has been on understanding and modeling individuals’ reasoning processes, and particularly the interaction between their cognitve abilities and incentives, in strategic settings as well as in individual decision problems. More recently, I started a new agenda on risk preferences.
Game Theory; Mechanism Design; Bounded Rationality; Online Auctions
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