In this page I summarize the scientific output and dissemination activity for my ERC Starting Grant, n. 759424, on “Strategic Uncertainty in Economic Environments and Digital Marketing Agencies” (SUEE). This grant has been active until December 2023.

I am now working on a new research project, funded by ERC Consolidator Grant, n.101089139, on “Personality, Preferences and Reference Dependence”.

“Strategic Uncertainty in Economic Environments and Digital Marketing Agencies”

“Funded by the European Union (ERC, SUEE, n. 759424). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”

Part 1 of this research project studies individuals reasoning processes in the face of strategic uncertainty and individual decision making, as well as study problems of coordination in the presence of strategic uncertainty. We provide both theoretical models and experimental tests of the theory.

Part 2 of this research project studies, both theoretically and empirically, the impact of Digital Marketing Agencies on the auctions used to sell online advertisement space.

SUEE: Extended Summary


  1. Markets Effects of Sponsored Search Auctions“ (with M. Motta), R&R at the RAND Journal of Economics
  2. Safe Implementation” (with M. J. Gavan), R&R at Theoretical Economics
  3. Coordination and Sophistication” (with L. Alaoui and K. A. Janezic), R&R at the Journal of the European Economic Association
  4. A Network Solution to Robust Implementation: the case of Identical but Unknown Distributions”(with Mariann Ollár), Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 90(5), October 2023.
  5. Bid Coordination in Sponsored Search Auctions: Detection Methodology and Empirical Analysis” (with F. Decarolis, M. Goldmanis, and K. Shakhgildyan), Journal of Industrial Economics, July 2023
  6. Cost-Benefit Analysis in Reasoning” (with Larbi Alaoui), Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 130(4), April 2022.
  7. Efficient Implementation via Transfers: Uniqueness and Sensitivity in Symmetric Environments” (with M. Ollár), AEA papers and proceedings, vol.112: 438-443, May 2022
  8. Rationalizability, Observability and Common Knowledge” (with P. Zuazo-Garin), Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 89, Issue 2, March 2022: 948–975.
  9. Marketing Agencies and Collusive Bidding in Online Ad Auctions” (with Francesco Decarolis and Maris Goldmanis) Management Science, Vol.66, No 10, 4433-4454, November 2020.
  10. Reasoning about Others’ Reasoning’’ (with Larbi Alaoui and Katharina A. Janezic), Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.189, 105091, August 2020.

Organized Conferences

Dissemination Activities

Seminars (presentation of ERCsg projects — including scheduled)

Conferences and Workshops (presentation of ERCsg projects)